Featured Offering
Price List
Don't see what you want below, need a bespoke program, or need more information? Email me at hello@lucypeach.com and let's start chatting.
School Speaking
1-hour Keynote*, $1750
Parents Nights, Mum Nights, Dad Nights & Student Incursions
Pre-event consultation
Q&A session
Signed Period Queen book for your school
Marketing kit (includes event email, event graphics, Lucy's bio & promo images)
Corporate Speaking
1-hour Keynote*, $2000
Pre-event consultation
Pre-event attendee questionaire (3 min)
Q&A session
Signed Period Queen book for your team
Marketing kit (includes event email, event graphics, Lucy's bio & promo images)
Consent Keynote
2-Hour Keynote, $3000
For school parent information nights, Lucy is joined by Mike Dyson from The Good Blokes Co.
Pre-event consultation
Q&A session
Signed Period Queen book for your school or team
Marketing kit (includes event email, event graphics, Mike & Lucy's bio, video and promo images)
Half Day* (3 hrs), $3500
Full Day* (6 hrs), $6000
Pre-workshop meeting
Pre-workshop attendee questionnaire
Lucy Peach & second facilitator
Signed Period Queen book for your school or team
Media kit & marketing kit (includes workshop email and
Lucy's bio)
Theatre Show
My Greatest Period Ever Show 75-minute theatre show, $4500
Pre-show meeting
Tech run through
Signed Period Queen book for your school or team
Media kit & marketing kit (includes event email, event graphics, event promo video, Lucy's bio & promo images)